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The Evolution of Identity Proofing: How to Improve CX and Protect Against Fraud Risk

Government leaders have prioritized addressing improper payments and citizen safety in government programs for decades, but now the importance has shifted to balancing fraud protection efforts while enhancing customer experience. Despite its best efforts, government agencies are facing ever-evolving fraudsters and expanding fraud networks.

Identity fraud can be particularly difficult to manage. A consumer’s physical or digital identity can be used for employment fraud, benefits fraud, tax return fraud, and more. Along with the negative effects that fraud can have on the immediate victim, taxpayer dollars go to waste and government programs see diminished results. Unfortunately, there is a natural assumption of identity fraud as a cost of doing business.

But while trying to combat identity fraud, just as with omni-channel services, many agencies face the challenge of weighing risk-tolerance against customer experience. Agencies need to make sure that they keep consumer identities safe, without inconveniencing customers.

In this course, that’s why government agencies need to move toward a multi-layered, corroborative approach to fraud, providing the best of defense, hospitality, and ease of use.


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