Free online learning for government employees.

Virtual Summit Session 3: Tools, Tech and Processes that Help Agencies Move Forward

Lightning Talk 4: Drive Paperless Transformation With Digital Workflow

- Michael “MJ” Jackson, AVP, Global Head of Industries, Docusign

In today’s hybrid world it’s more important than ever to have digital workflows. How can ​​government transform the workforce by transforming the work. A new focus on digitization and paperless processes are changing the narrative. In this lightning talk, you’ll hear from an industry expert at DocuSign about how to move to digitize workflows while keeping security front and center.

Lightning Talk 5: Steps Agencies Can Take to Update Legacy Systems

- David Egts, Chief Technologist, North America Public Sector, Red Hat

There is no one single-step that will take your agency’s outdated legacy systems and make them modern. In fact, in order to truly modernize agencies need to take an inclusive approach to transformation that considers everything from tech, process, people and security. In this fireside chat, hear from a Red Hat expert on the steps agencies should take to update their legacy systems.

Government Lightning Keynote: Embracing Your Employees to Transform

- Nathan W. Tierney, Chief Human Management Officer, Office of Information and Technology

No one like a massive to-do list, but sometimes they can be super helpful in prioritizing goals and objectives. In this lightning keynote, you will hear from a government speaker who has embraced the mandate mindset to create lasting modernization.


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