Free online learning for government employees.

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Whether personal or professional, change is unavoidable and often unsettling. In this quick video, Carolyn Mooney, mental healt...
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If your agency’s resources are packed with legal and government jargon, your constituents may be left confused, frustrated, and...
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The first step toward modernizing HR, finance, payroll and other business systems is to move them to the cloud. But to gain ful...
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For employees from underrepresented groups, the weight of racial inequities is physically and mentally draining. Whether you be...
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When you think of what a leader looks like, you may picture a politician that you’ve seen on TV, or the head of an agency that ...
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Information overload and low engagement are common to both in-person and virtual training. But no matter where government emplo...
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Sometimes, bias can be trivial. Other times, not so much.
Unconscious bias is an unintentional preference you hold for or again...
4 Tips To Take the Power of Unconscious Bias Away
Interested in how the government is managing COVID-19 data on testing, research and health? Take a moment to watch and learn ab...
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Ever have that pesky thought in the back of your mind that you're horribly unqualified for your job and it's only a matter of t...